Disable “Press and Hold” in Windows XP SP3 and Wacom Tablets

Press and hold behavior in Windows XP SP3
Press and hold

The “press and hold” for right click is driving me up the walls while using the Adobe Creative Suite at work, so while it’s pretty easy to find a solution for Vista/Win7, the solution for Windows XP SP3 is bit harder to find, so I’ll make it available for everybody here.

From the Wacom forums:

“What you see is an effect of the Windows ‘TabletPC Input’ or pen inking system. This is part of XP TabletPC edition, Vista and some part of it is also enabled in XP with SP3. The effect is called ‘Press and Hold to Rightclick’. In Vista you can disable this option the the ‘TabletPC Input’ control panel. For XP SP3 you can either use a registry editor and change the key

You can instead also disable the service ‘TabletPC Input Service’ or go to device manager and disable the WacomVirtualHID. This does not effect the normal tablet operation, but Windows will not activate the pen inking in this case.”

I hope this helps!