I can sing, but I don’t want to be a singer.


I get asked almost weekly if I’m available to take this or that design gigs. I keep trying to explain that, although I’m a pretty decent designer, I enjoy product management work a lot more.

It’s nice to be able to have a say in the business side of product development, having a real shot at creating something nice and not subject to the whim of project managers and producers that sometimes are… less than qualified to judge and direct design work.

This leads me to think that it must be pretty hard to find a good designer in the Bay Area, or maybe designers aren’t just going to the right places to meet with their prospective employers.

Either way, if you are a graphic designer in the Bay Area in California and you’re GOOD, I have a ton of job leads for you.

Send me an email, I’ll get you employed in a couple of days!